Upcoming conference

From down under to up there - Bridging the span of learning in pharmacy

LLLP2025 / The University of Sydney


7 – 10 July 2025


Previous conferences

Blazing New Trails

LLLP2023 / The University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy

2023 sub-themes:

  • Base camp - teaching and learning essentials
  • Elevation - gaining ground through training
  • Summit - transfer of learning through practice
  • Carabineers, clips & cairns - tools of the climb

Since 1990

What is LLLP?

The International Conferences on Life Long Learning in Pharmacy (LLLP) are a series of conferences that have been held for the past 25 years, following the inaugural meeting in Denmark in 1990. They provide an opportunity to discuss issues of importance and relevance to advancing pharmacy practice... read more
